May Is 'Get In Touch With Your Feminine Side Month'![]() When is the last time you had a bubble bath? Have you ever had a manicure or pedicure? Have you taken time to smell the roses lately? Have you even bought yourself any flowers - ever!? This month, it's all about appreciating the feminine. Take a moment to think about what your personal definition is of femininity. Then, find some areas where you can apply this special touch to your own life. There are some ideas here on our site, our calendar, our Facebook page and even more in our book! Online ResourcesRead this article on femininity Find a spa that caters to men Learn about flowers and their different meanings How to begin a journal See 30 chick flicks in 30 days (IMDB has a list for you!) Learn how to cook (or learn something new) Join women around the world in standing for peace |
Feminine Side Month! What Feminine Side???!!!![]() Yes, be you male or be you female - we all have a feminine side! This month, lets celebrate this piece of you whether it be a big piece or a very small piece!!! How do we do this? Well, if you are already in touch with your femininity, this will be an easy one for you. All you need to do is appreciate all those feminine things you do: spa days, personal hygiene, you know what we are talking about. This month - be not afraid nor ashamed of this part of you - flaunt it, enjoy it and most of all, appreciate it! For those of you who are of more of a masculine nature, lets first take a deep breath. Now, take a moment and think about all your partner does that is feminine. Is there something you've noticed that she is especially good at, that you could learn from? Maybe you've never had a massage? Or maybe you haven't been taking care of your feet and your toes could use some TLC? Whatever it is, lets begin there and appreciate the feminine this month. Lets Get Started. 'Feminine Side' Month Ideas![]() Everyone has a different idea of what works for them - here are a few to get you started: • An easy one: skip that 5-dollar barber and head to a nice salon where they even massage your scalp for you! • Get a massage - or a men's facial - or a pedicure - anything that pampers you! • Get in touch with your feelings by starting a journal for yourself. • See a 'chick flick' this week. • Give up the remote control today! • Read a romance paperback • Buy something you've never bought yourself - a moisturizer, flowers, or maybe a piece of jewelry?! • Do something good for your body - like, getting to a doctor for a physical, try yoga or meditation, or simply enjoy an extra moment of solitude and relaxation this day. |