Work Less MonthAll this role swapping can really wear a Partner out. So it’s time to take a break. Literally, this month is about working less and relaxing more.
The point of Work Less Month is not just about taking time to enjoy yourself more, which is a good thing in and of itself, More importantly it’s about using that extra time to be with and value your partner. Work Less Month Online ResourcesTake a long walk off a LONG pier! Head to Google Maps for a hiking trail or park nearby.
Why you should be working less - an article from CNN's report on how 1/3 of all employees play hooky from work Date ideas for the daytime from a Dating Coach Use your lunch hour to scour the internet for a great bargain date for the two of you - Coupon Cabin is a good place to start. Take a day and do a volunteer project together - try starting with And of course, there's our trusty Be A Better Partner google calendar - register with them to get email or sms/text updates. |
Less Work! More Fun!This month, your task is not to call in sick to work every day (sorry!). Your job is to focus LESS on work and MORE on your Partner! If you took just one hour a week and shifted your 'thinking' you will be amazed how much lighter you will feel. Yes, the work will still be there - but the idea here is to remember who it is you are coming home TO every day. That is your focus.
So, what to do, what to do? Yes, you could easily surprise your 'other' by calling in sick one day - especially if only one of you are working full-time. Or, you could coordinate a 'personal' day together and head to the beach (see photo inset). For more ideas, head to our Work Less idea page. Work Less Month Ideas